rsult.. gile trokk. enam jah. sdeyy gile. mmg aa xckupp. my frens sume dpt stret a's. spe xsdey ryt? adehh. hmm congratz la spe dpat stret eyh!
**dlm sdey sdey arini ade jgakk hepi nyaa. hhe. bungebunge!
(haihh! dok sedo diri agi nihh. rsult trok dh.) ;(
td sje je igt nk invi mys n ym. tpi sje wt galokk g availble. abehh orgg ato blake im tny rsult. malu nk jwbb. haihh! sapa dok ckup tgn ohh nk nulis. HAHA. bpe kali ahu kbo dkyoh tny. aihh.
k laaa. ilang sdey lalu. try blajo molekk taon2 dpann. chaiyokk. HAHA;p
I want to live with all of my memories,even if they're sad memories. I believe that if I stay strong, someday I'll overcome the pain, and then I'll be glad that I have those memories. I believe that there are no memories that are okay to forget.
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Saturday, December 20, 2008
surprise! :DD
whee. the story begins when sy mintakk cd hna kimi dgn nunu(ats2 sbb2 trtntu. bkn kdekut. xD). then die btao die ade kt indon dhh(18.dec) die ptot g 20.dec tp die kte flight die diawalkan. pas2 sy pon xpekan laa. bia la die pgg dlu cd tuhh.
keesokkannye sy kne g umahh kwn ayahh sy sbb ank die kwen.(kt kerteh) sy btolak g kol 12 pm. dduk la dlm kete klaparan, keletihan dn ketidakselesaan. hha. satu care utk mgatasinye ialah dgn TIDO! then tdo la. tdo2 tgkk dda sampaii. haihh lame aku tdo. haha. then mkn2. salam nge pgntin n mok ayoh die. pas2 blikk la.(dpt gule2.) hhe. akibat lapo, daku mkn la gule2 tersebuut. hha. then breti kat petronas kt kerteh utk menunaikan solatt. lpas selesai2 dh blake. masok la dlm kete. daku mencaricari gule2 kuh. yg dpt ku lihat hnya la plastik2 candy wrapper jehh. tny la ayah sy. rupe2nye ayh sy da mkn smpai abehh! (waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa) sdeyy daku! hhaxD
then, afta seme da slesai, bncang2 nk g ane pasni. lps tuhh my sys tlah memikirkan satu tmpat then die pon jeritt. "abahhhh, nk g mesra mall! ade starbuck nge big apple!" hha. then kiteorg g la. desebabkan daku memakai bju kurung yg tiada poket, daku tggl la hnfon serta wallet(tggl wallet sbb xyh la gne duet sniri bile nk beli barangan) HAHA.;p
2jam kmudian, stelah selesai mmbeli brang2, daku masukk semula kedlm kereta. alangkahh terkezutnye hati ambe! terdpt miskol 3kali dr nuzran! hahaha.(bajet ye kol dr indon aa) then daku mghantar khidmat pesanan ringkas(sms) padanyaa..
megu: eyp, mu kol ke td?
nuzran: eyh, cu kol aku jp.
tnpa aku ragu2. aku mgmbil hnfon ayah ku(utk mnjimatkan kreditt kuh) hha lalu menaip num fonnye (014*******) HAHA.;p laluu bermula la dialog inii.
megu: hello,
nunu: ho megu! td aku g umoh mu td ato cd aku letokk kt atas rak wane koko
megu:ho (debo ambe, igt ye fly dr indon utkku.)
nunu: aku kol saknim mu dop jwb, aku wi samekom2 xdop org jwb aku tggl je laa.aku trbg dr indon ato cd.
megu:ho ho. nawok opmo mu opp? adop kije laen. doh bile mu g indon?
nunu:esokk aku g
megu:ye ke dop ahu. hahahha.
nunu:hom2. aku tggl cd kt ats rak oh hooh. wne koko rsenye. kalu kne kekoh nge anjing dop ahu aa.
megu:adop anjing situ, ayam ade aa. hahaha
nunu:hahah. doh mu olaing dop mlm nihh?(aku pon trtny-tny apekan itu olaing?)
nunu: on9 dop mlm nih.
megu: ho ho, ye kot. bkpe?
nunu:saje. dh bkpe mu g kertehh?
**eyhh2. dh2 aa tuh yg slebihnye bia la rhsie. HAHA! (dialog ini ade juge yg direka krana sy tlah lupe ape yg dikatekan. HAHA)
haha. alangkah gembirenye atiku die tlah dtg utk mghntar cd. tp mlang aku tiada. ahha. knon nk wt suprise aa tuh. HAHAHA:pp slps itu, ayah sy cube nk stat enjin kete, tp tiada respon dr kete. 2-3 kali cube xley gk. then da lewt mse tuhh(hmpir kol 6) mak ku suh abgku g smyg asor lu. org len jamok lake dohh. then, aku tman abg ku krana sy hndkk ke toilett(saket prott mkn byk saknim) haha. bile sy blk kt kete(sy blkk sosorg) tgk mak sy sosorg kt dlm kete. pelikk. mne org len? aku ketok pintu mak sy(beloh driver) then mak sy kte "cn ngn abah 2gu kt situu( kt kusi)" sy pon kte" dkpe2. mok g aa dok situ,bia tirah try stat" sy pon ddk sesorgg dlm kete smbil try stat.
lg tekejutt! bile 3 org jejake dtg kt kete then die tny"xley stat ke?" aku yg tkot krana berseorgngan kte"ye ye, dop ahu bkpe ye xley stat" die tlg la bkk yg kt enjin tuh. sorg ddk kt dlm kete 2org g tgk enjin. tp still xley stat. sy tgk kt fmly sy yg kt kusi tuh, dieorg bley gelak2! sy ktakutan nihh. sy pggl2(tnpa mgeluarkan bunyi) tp dieorg snyum nsib baek ayah sy dtgg. then sy xtao krana sy lari ke mak n kakk sy. hahahahah. then dieorg pon blahh. xley stat lagi kete tuhh.
hmpir satu jam kemudiann.....
sume org try xley, then chenor(my sis) try. die wt 2-3kali je. trus bley beb!! wahh. then kiteorg jerit2 lam kete"cn the hero! waa cn hero! HERO!HERO!HERO! tq cn!" hahahaha. then bermula la perjlanan pulangg.
dlm prjlanan pulang ke rumahh, aku digosip2kan dlm kete. sian aku sial! ahahhaha:DD
itu shja ceritakuhh, moral of the story is: lenkali kalu nk dtg umah org, btao shari lbey awal. HAHA. n jgn duk sesorg dlm kete jika anda seorg gadis. bhyebhye! haha xD
keesokkannye sy kne g umahh kwn ayahh sy sbb ank die kwen.(kt kerteh) sy btolak g kol 12 pm. dduk la dlm kete klaparan, keletihan dn ketidakselesaan. hha. satu care utk mgatasinye ialah dgn TIDO! then tdo la. tdo2 tgkk dda sampaii. haihh lame aku tdo. haha. then mkn2. salam nge pgntin n mok ayoh die. pas2 blikk la.(dpt gule2.) hhe. akibat lapo, daku mkn la gule2 tersebuut. hha. then breti kat petronas kt kerteh utk menunaikan solatt. lpas selesai2 dh blake. masok la dlm kete. daku mencaricari gule2 kuh. yg dpt ku lihat hnya la plastik2 candy wrapper jehh. tny la ayah sy. rupe2nye ayh sy da mkn smpai abehh! (waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa) sdeyy daku! hhaxD
then, afta seme da slesai, bncang2 nk g ane pasni. lps tuhh my sys tlah memikirkan satu tmpat then die pon jeritt. "abahhhh, nk g mesra mall! ade starbuck nge big apple!" hha. then kiteorg g la. desebabkan daku memakai bju kurung yg tiada poket, daku tggl la hnfon serta wallet(tggl wallet sbb xyh la gne duet sniri bile nk beli barangan) HAHA.;p
2jam kmudian, stelah selesai mmbeli brang2, daku masukk semula kedlm kereta. alangkahh terkezutnye hati ambe! terdpt miskol 3kali dr nuzran! hahaha.(bajet ye kol dr indon aa) then daku mghantar khidmat pesanan ringkas(sms) padanyaa..
megu: eyp, mu kol ke td?
nuzran: eyh, cu kol aku jp.
tnpa aku ragu2. aku mgmbil hnfon ayah ku(utk mnjimatkan kreditt kuh) hha lalu menaip num fonnye (014*******) HAHA.;p laluu bermula la dialog inii.
megu: hello,
nunu: ho megu! td aku g umoh mu td ato cd aku letokk kt atas rak wane koko
megu:ho (debo ambe, igt ye fly dr indon utkku.)
nunu: aku kol saknim mu dop jwb, aku wi samekom2 xdop org jwb aku tggl je laa.aku trbg dr indon ato cd.
megu:ho ho. nawok opmo mu opp? adop kije laen. doh bile mu g indon?
nunu:esokk aku g
megu:ye ke dop ahu. hahahha.
nunu:hom2. aku tggl cd kt ats rak oh hooh. wne koko rsenye. kalu kne kekoh nge anjing dop ahu aa.
megu:adop anjing situ, ayam ade aa. hahaha
nunu:hahah. doh mu olaing dop mlm nihh?(aku pon trtny-tny apekan itu olaing?)
nunu: on9 dop mlm nih.
megu: ho ho, ye kot. bkpe?
nunu:saje. dh bkpe mu g kertehh?
**eyhh2. dh2 aa tuh yg slebihnye bia la rhsie. HAHA! (dialog ini ade juge yg direka krana sy tlah lupe ape yg dikatekan. HAHA)
haha. alangkah gembirenye atiku die tlah dtg utk mghntar cd. tp mlang aku tiada. ahha. knon nk wt suprise aa tuh. HAHAHA:pp slps itu, ayah sy cube nk stat enjin kete, tp tiada respon dr kete. 2-3 kali cube xley gk. then da lewt mse tuhh(hmpir kol 6) mak ku suh abgku g smyg asor lu. org len jamok lake dohh. then, aku tman abg ku krana sy hndkk ke toilett(saket prott mkn byk saknim) haha. bile sy blk kt kete(sy blkk sosorg) tgk mak sy sosorg kt dlm kete. pelikk. mne org len? aku ketok pintu mak sy(beloh driver) then mak sy kte "cn ngn abah 2gu kt situu( kt kusi)" sy pon kte" dkpe2. mok g aa dok situ,bia tirah try stat" sy pon ddk sesorgg dlm kete smbil try stat.
lg tekejutt! bile 3 org jejake dtg kt kete then die tny"xley stat ke?" aku yg tkot krana berseorgngan kte"ye ye, dop ahu bkpe ye xley stat" die tlg la bkk yg kt enjin tuh. sorg ddk kt dlm kete 2org g tgk enjin. tp still xley stat. sy tgk kt fmly sy yg kt kusi tuh, dieorg bley gelak2! sy ktakutan nihh. sy pggl2(tnpa mgeluarkan bunyi) tp dieorg snyum nsib baek ayah sy dtgg. then sy xtao krana sy lari ke mak n kakk sy. hahahahah. then dieorg pon blahh. xley stat lagi kete tuhh.
hmpir satu jam kemudiann.....
sume org try xley, then chenor(my sis) try. die wt 2-3kali je. trus bley beb!! wahh. then kiteorg jerit2 lam kete"cn the hero! waa cn hero! HERO!HERO!HERO! tq cn!" hahahaha. then bermula la perjlanan pulangg.
dlm prjlanan pulang ke rumahh, aku digosip2kan dlm kete. sian aku sial! ahahhaha:DD
itu shja ceritakuhh, moral of the story is: lenkali kalu nk dtg umah org, btao shari lbey awal. HAHA. n jgn duk sesorg dlm kete jika anda seorg gadis. bhyebhye! haha xD
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
saat yg dinantinanti telah tibe..
telahku berjaya mengedit blogg faisalabdulrahman!
(sesape nk view? click here!)
lantak kau lahh nk suke atao tidakk. ku telah mencoba sedaya upaya. aku da ckp aku try my best ryt? HAHA! :)
aku still arap mu ske ea! lame aku wat au! tp sorry aa. time aku edit2 blog mu, aku edit blog aku skit2. (bykk beno!) aku lari dr tujuan. HAHA. kalo mu xpuas ati aku pham aa! (jage mu kalo mu dk ske!!) HAHA :DD
aku xpham asal blogg aku xtnjk mase yg btol. HAIHH!
telahku berjaya mengedit blogg faisalabdulrahman!
(sesape nk view? click here!)
lantak kau lahh nk suke atao tidakk. ku telah mencoba sedaya upaya. aku da ckp aku try my best ryt? HAHA! :)
aku still arap mu ske ea! lame aku wat au! tp sorry aa. time aku edit2 blog mu, aku edit blog aku skit2. (bykk beno!) aku lari dr tujuan. HAHA. kalo mu xpuas ati aku pham aa! (jage mu kalo mu dk ske!!) HAHA :DD
aku xpham asal blogg aku xtnjk mase yg btol. HAIHH!
whha. wht a boring day. HAHA! skang kul 2.30am. nthg to do. boring yg amat. nk tdo mls. o9 tp tade org on. ni tghh edit blog org je. hha. (blog mu aa fesal!)
haa. ni ade story nk cite. dlam mggu nih, heran n pelik la dgn org2 zaman skangg. asal la ske sgt suh org len yg edit2 pfile dieorg? kalu nk suh pon bg la upah ryt? ni x. haihh. tekangg ambe! hha.
ade jgakk yg suh o9 kan mys dye when die p hlidayy. (nunu eyh! igt2 la skit bli souvenir!) hha. tp kalu mcm nunu n fesal suh tu its ok la. i dun care pon. nk2 nunu suh on mys. lg aku ske beb! HAHA. tlg saing2 la ktekann. (baik la aku nih;p) tp yg pling xthan skali, org yg bru aku knal lam ym (xsmpai sbulan) boleyy suh aku edit mys n fs. siap bg id n pssword ny0r! bkn mls or ape nk tlg, but yg bab2 bg pssword tu sy heran skitt. percaye sgtt ke kt sy nih? siap bg pssword. u noe la pple like me hard to say no. so ape lg. edit je la. yg suh tu plak laki. nk suh sy editt. but i'm a girl. so if i edit, it'll be girl style la beb! hha. nk suh aku ikut style kelelakian die la plak. srry bai! HAHA.
skang still not tdo, u noe y? tggu mu brother's result at 6.30am nnt. woaa. debo ngt aa ye oh! tkot ley g dop oversea.i hope bley la. nnt bley la sy join skali kt sne. ke gne bang eyy? HAHA. td evryone xtdo 2gu result sesame. then now. tggl me n him onlyy. tgk cite 'invicible' cite sal ragbi. sy xtgk pon(sbok tlis blog bai!:D)
aritu kteorg jln2 kt KL. tdo kt otel wira. kecik gile bilikk. sy tdo bwah meje la. saket gile pggang. nseb gak otel tu dkt ngn LRT n the mall. jd kteorg nk g jln2 xyh la nek kete. jem trokk. so first kiteorg nek lrt p KLCC. nk g pc fair. then dpt msok KLCC besh wo!(mcm first tym aje msk KLCC) i dun why evrytime sy msuk KLCC rse cam beshh. my sis kte, sy mcm gile KLCC. pntang tgk. sure melompat2(even tgk lam tv) HAHA. nihh. sy snapp pic KLCC. >>>
P pc fair x bli pape pon. (xbwak duit la!) hha. tp my mom bli pendrive 2gb 4 me (alaa skitnye!) hha. aritu tao, sy bli pndrve 1gb(xigt kt mne) rm30++. nihh bli pndrve 2gb rm16. siall! haha. now i've 3 pndrve. (tp xde tujuan) bli jst 4 fun. hahha. membazir is it? hhe. acctly, sy bli sbb org len bli. HAHA!. how come evryone hve pndrive n i dnt hve! not fair ma! haha.(sial bdk nihh) cari la jgak aku nih beg free. (lawa siot beg tuh) then x jmpe. mybe da abehh i thnk. dpat2 paper beg je dr maxis. n 2 bijik belon. HAHA. belon tu tggl je kt otel xkn nk wt blk an? hha (bia la kakk yg keje room service tu amek) hha.
nk jdkan cerite, nk naek LRT g KLCC kne berhimpit2. then nmpk la stu kaple nih, org tgh berhimpit2, bley lg die berasmaradana! muahmuah lg. geli. hahah. i thnk malay la dieorg tuh. but i'm not sure. gile hnsem laki tu! but girl tu xcun skitt. (bersyukur lah kau dpt bf hnsem!)
da boringg da tlis. k laa. bubyeeee! (skang tpat pd pukul!) wahh. tpat2 stgh jam.(kejapp je aku tlis ni ea?)
p/s: sori 4 reader. kalu ade terbace ayat2 gile. sy da sdkit benggong kerane trlalu bosan. okee.
haa. ni ade story nk cite. dlam mggu nih, heran n pelik la dgn org2 zaman skangg. asal la ske sgt suh org len yg edit2 pfile dieorg? kalu nk suh pon bg la upah ryt? ni x. haihh. tekangg ambe! hha.
ade jgakk yg suh o9 kan mys dye when die p hlidayy. (nunu eyh! igt2 la skit bli souvenir!) hha. tp kalu mcm nunu n fesal suh tu its ok la. i dun care pon. nk2 nunu suh on mys. lg aku ske beb! HAHA. tlg saing2 la ktekann. (baik la aku nih;p) tp yg pling xthan skali, org yg bru aku knal lam ym (xsmpai sbulan) boleyy suh aku edit mys n fs. siap bg id n pssword ny0r! bkn mls or ape nk tlg, but yg bab2 bg pssword tu sy heran skitt. percaye sgtt ke kt sy nih? siap bg pssword. u noe la pple like me hard to say no. so ape lg. edit je la. yg suh tu plak laki. nk suh sy editt. but i'm a girl. so if i edit, it'll be girl style la beb! hha. nk suh aku ikut style kelelakian die la plak. srry bai! HAHA.
skang still not tdo, u noe y? tggu mu brother's result at 6.30am nnt. woaa. debo ngt aa ye oh! tkot ley g dop oversea.i hope bley la. nnt bley la sy join skali kt sne. ke gne bang eyy? HAHA. td evryone xtdo 2gu result sesame. then now. tggl me n him onlyy. tgk cite 'invicible' cite sal ragbi. sy xtgk pon(sbok tlis blog bai!:D)
P pc fair x bli pape pon. (xbwak duit la!) hha. tp my mom bli pendrive 2gb 4 me (alaa skitnye!) hha. aritu tao, sy bli pndrve 1gb(xigt kt mne) rm30++. nihh bli pndrve 2gb rm16. siall! haha. now i've 3 pndrve. (tp xde tujuan) bli jst 4 fun. hahha. membazir is it? hhe. acctly, sy bli sbb org len bli. HAHA!. how come evryone hve pndrive n i dnt hve! not fair ma! haha.(sial bdk nihh) cari la jgak aku nih beg free. (lawa siot beg tuh) then x jmpe. mybe da abehh i thnk. dpat2 paper beg je dr maxis. n 2 bijik belon. HAHA. belon tu tggl je kt otel xkn nk wt blk an? hha (bia la kakk yg keje room service tu amek) hha.
nk jdkan cerite, nk naek LRT g KLCC kne berhimpit2. then nmpk la stu kaple nih, org tgh berhimpit2, bley lg die berasmaradana! muahmuah lg. geli. hahah. i thnk malay la dieorg tuh. but i'm not sure. gile hnsem laki tu! but girl tu xcun skitt. (bersyukur lah kau dpt bf hnsem!)
da boringg da tlis. k laa. bubyeeee! (skang tpat pd pukul!) wahh. tpat2 stgh jam.(kejapp je aku tlis ni ea?)
p/s: sori 4 reader. kalu ade terbace ayat2 gile. sy da sdkit benggong kerane trlalu bosan. okee.
YeoZhiMing. this is 4 u. i did it myself! (klas SENI acctly) HAHA!
Friday, November 28, 2008
he doesnt cre bout me anymore.
Mungkin ini memang jalan takdirku,
Mengagumi tanpa di cintai,
Tak mengapa bagiku asal kau pun bahagia,
Dengan hidupmu, dengan hidupmu
Telah lama kupendam perasaan itu,
Menunggu hatimu menyambut diriku,
Tak mengapa bagiku cintaimu pun adalah,
Bahagia untukku, bahagia untukku
Ku ingin kau tahu,
Diriku di sini menanti dirimu,
Meski ku tunggu,
Hingga ujung waktuku
Dan berharap rasa ini kan abadi untuk selamanya,
Dan izinkan aku memeluk dirimu kali ini saja,
Tuk ucapkan selamat tinggal untuk selamanya,
Dan biarkan rasa ini bahagia untuk sekejap saja.
byebye :(
Mengagumi tanpa di cintai,
Tak mengapa bagiku asal kau pun bahagia,
Dengan hidupmu, dengan hidupmu
Telah lama kupendam perasaan itu,
Menunggu hatimu menyambut diriku,
Tak mengapa bagiku cintaimu pun adalah,
Bahagia untukku, bahagia untukku
Ku ingin kau tahu,
Diriku di sini menanti dirimu,
Meski ku tunggu,
Hingga ujung waktuku
Dan berharap rasa ini kan abadi untuk selamanya,
Dan izinkan aku memeluk dirimu kali ini saja,
Tuk ucapkan selamat tinggal untuk selamanya,
Dan biarkan rasa ini bahagia untuk sekejap saja.
byebye :(
Friday, November 21, 2008
s u r v e y xD
1. What does your MySpace quote mean?
-quote nde tah? xD
2. Elaborate on your default photo:
-biasa jahh ;)
3. Who is the first person on your top 8?
-izzatul izreen bt mansor.
4. What’s your relationship with the people in your top 8?
-kwn2! ILY! :)
5. What exactly are you wearing?
-bikini. HAHA! bju nge sluor la.;p
6. What is your current problem?
-susohan nk pujok org ngajok wey! :D
7. What do you love most?
-mcm dyah aa. galoks2.! hahaha:D
8. What makes you most happy?
-happy meal! HAHA;p
9. Are you musically inclined?
-dop au aa.
10. Which shoe goes on first?
-sport shoes. haha
11. If you could go back in time, and change something….
-chge sumthg yg sgt sy regret! HAHA
12. Ever have a near death experience?
-nk kne lggor oleh kreta2 yg sgt byk ditengah2 jlan raye. itulah akibat mlintas jlan tnpa bimbingan ke jlan yg bnar. HAHA. ;)
14. Name an obvious quality you have:
-i lyk to smile. HAHA
15. What’s the name of the song that’s stuck in your head right now?
-thats not my name. hhe
16. Any celeb you would marry?
-yeaa. a lot! haha:p
17. Who will cut and paste this first?
-xdop kot.
18. Name someone with the same birthday as you:
-adik kak ti. nde nme ahu ;p
19. Do you have a crush on someone?
20. Have you ever vandalized someone’s private property?
-sokmo lahh! ;p
21. Been in a fight?
-sokmo gop ea. hhaa
22. Have you ever sung in front of a large audience?
-ho la penohh. keto lutut. haha!
23. What’s the first thing you notice about the preferred sex?
-muke yg sgt hnsem xD
24. What do you usually order from Starbucks?
-nde nme pon dop ahu. reen hop tlg order. haha!
26.Have you ever hurt yourself on purpose?
-xdop g stakat nim.
27. Say something totally random about you?
-nthg much to say ;p
28. Has anyone ever said you looked like a celebrity?
-ade gop aa soram due. haha!
29. How old are you?
-15 ny0r. xD
30. Go out or stay in?
-mne2 jahh ;)
31. Do you wear a watch?
32. Do you have anything pierced?
-ade. tp kdg mcm xdop je.haha!
33. Do you have any tattoos?
-tkde n xmoh. haha
34. Do you like pain?
-dop laah
35. Do you like to shop?
-msti doh. ;p
36. What was the last thing you paid for with cash?
-famous amos.
37. What was the last thing you paid for with a credit card?
-xdop chaaa. ;p
38. Who was the last person you spoke to on the phone?
-aina fhimah <3
39. What is on your desktop background?
-gmbo sluor jean nge ptung2. hha
40. Do you like redheads?
41. Do you know any twins?
42. Do you have any weird relatives?
-tkde laah.
43. What was the last movie you watched?
-lme dop tgk cite. HAHA
44. What was the last book you read?
-lame gop dop bce buku. hha
45. Did you or do you go to college?
46. What is your favorite pair of pants that you own?
-xdop sute. haha
47. What is your favorite day of the week?
p/s; srvey nihh di curi drpd dyahh. :DD
-quote nde tah? xD
2. Elaborate on your default photo:
-biasa jahh ;)
3. Who is the first person on your top 8?
-izzatul izreen bt mansor.
4. What’s your relationship with the people in your top 8?
-kwn2! ILY! :)
5. What exactly are you wearing?
-bikini. HAHA! bju nge sluor la.;p
6. What is your current problem?
-susohan nk pujok org ngajok wey! :D
7. What do you love most?
-mcm dyah aa. galoks2.! hahaha:D
8. What makes you most happy?
-happy meal! HAHA;p
9. Are you musically inclined?
-dop au aa.
10. Which shoe goes on first?
-sport shoes. haha
11. If you could go back in time, and change something….
-chge sumthg yg sgt sy regret! HAHA
12. Ever have a near death experience?
-nk kne lggor oleh kreta2 yg sgt byk ditengah2 jlan raye. itulah akibat mlintas jlan tnpa bimbingan ke jlan yg bnar. HAHA. ;)
14. Name an obvious quality you have:
-i lyk to smile. HAHA
15. What’s the name of the song that’s stuck in your head right now?
-thats not my name. hhe
16. Any celeb you would marry?
-yeaa. a lot! haha:p
17. Who will cut and paste this first?
-xdop kot.
18. Name someone with the same birthday as you:
-adik kak ti. nde nme ahu ;p
19. Do you have a crush on someone?
20. Have you ever vandalized someone’s private property?
-sokmo lahh! ;p
21. Been in a fight?
-sokmo gop ea. hhaa
22. Have you ever sung in front of a large audience?
-ho la penohh. keto lutut. haha!
23. What’s the first thing you notice about the preferred sex?
-muke yg sgt hnsem xD
24. What do you usually order from Starbucks?
-nde nme pon dop ahu. reen hop tlg order. haha!
26.Have you ever hurt yourself on purpose?
-xdop g stakat nim.
27. Say something totally random about you?
-nthg much to say ;p
28. Has anyone ever said you looked like a celebrity?
-ade gop aa soram due. haha!
29. How old are you?
-15 ny0r. xD
30. Go out or stay in?
-mne2 jahh ;)
31. Do you wear a watch?
32. Do you have anything pierced?
-ade. tp kdg mcm xdop je.haha!
33. Do you have any tattoos?
-tkde n xmoh. haha
34. Do you like pain?
-dop laah
35. Do you like to shop?
-msti doh. ;p
36. What was the last thing you paid for with cash?
-famous amos.
37. What was the last thing you paid for with a credit card?
-xdop chaaa. ;p
38. Who was the last person you spoke to on the phone?
-aina fhimah <3
39. What is on your desktop background?
-gmbo sluor jean nge ptung2. hha
40. Do you like redheads?
41. Do you know any twins?
42. Do you have any weird relatives?
-tkde laah.
43. What was the last movie you watched?
-lme dop tgk cite. HAHA
44. What was the last book you read?
-lame gop dop bce buku. hha
45. Did you or do you go to college?
46. What is your favorite pair of pants that you own?
-xdop sute. haha
47. What is your favorite day of the week?
p/s; srvey nihh di curi drpd dyahh. :DD
a picture of my frenn! :)

cabel car! ;)

p/s; pic nihh bkn nk kenat ke nde ea! pic nih comeyy. thts y i upload oke? jgn slahpham! ;)

one night only xD
wahhh. arinim fst tym aa eyh kuor mlm2 nge gengg. ngaha! reen ade, minoh, dyahh nge spupu reen kuor. g giant jahh. mkn kt pizza. first2 eyy g lari nge dyah g toilet aa kunon. xmo bayo aa. hahahhaa! pstu nk djdikan critee, jupe sir mohan raj. cari etek aa khisyen. akdop hanyaa! sdeyy reen. sian ye. tgk ade bini ye nge anok laki soram anop puan soram. dyahh kte comeyy bini ye. putihh. mcm khisyen jahh! hahahhahah:p smbung mula g toilet td hom. g toilet bkn wt nde, g amek gmbo je beno. HAHA! dyah abeh sume tepat ye posing2. nghaa. tirah amek gmbo ddk je ats toilet. adop kije. gne ngt? HAHA. pas2 siap msuk kdai kaen FIONA. galokk ngat2 sapa pok cip jage ho igt kiteorg wt vendelism. ye tgk sapa nok cbut ke pale2. HAHA. pas2 g pizza mula. tgk reen bayo lake dohs. pah2 bayo aa ke reen. kne bayo 12 inggit soram. dyahh tlg bayo ke tirah 2 iggt. hahaha! syg dyah heyy. HAHA. pas2 g amek aa gmbo2 kt plyground. wt malu jahh. org tgh hanyaa. hop laen bdk 3 4 taon. kteorg bdk fom3. hha! ddk ats glongsor laa. ade se maenan hey mcm buai. ye gatung mcm tiang gituhh. sdap ngatt! adop gmbo g heyy. sume pic ade nge reen nyor. hha. pas2 bowoh heyy. g kdai2. g kdai buku tgkk aa buku2. pntang tgk gmbo SEXY aje! dyah nge minoh glepo sukean! ahahhahahhaha:p siap buleyy g tnjk2. "nih minoh eyy"nih tirah"ni dyahh" hahahhaha:p malu ngt org tgkk. hha. pas2 dyah nge minoh nk g ngt tgk cicin. g aa kdai hop wane pink. nde ahu la nme ye. haha. dyah g paka sute cicin heyh. skali opley nk wt kuor. ye g paka kt jari antu. pas2 knon nk mitop wt kuor aa. ye g wi tnde fcuk ke tirahh. ganahh dyah lenim! hahahha. pas2 tgh sdap2 begelak ketawe d khalayak ramai. tetibe ku terlihat wjah sprti ku knal. rupe2nye fmly kuu! hhaha. :p dieorg g mkn kt ats. hhee. pas2 g aa bli air beto. skali dyah nk g bli roti. reen ngn spupu ye g aa tman. sy nge minoh hey nk msuk etek. g aa msk nk cr baju utk mok ye.pas2 pulop dkat bju hom xdop hrge. g aa cri msin utk tgk hrge. nk tgk hrge bju. g cari msin kt biskut2. org len tgh jee. malu eaa. tp pndai2 cover mke. ahha! pas2 lpas abeh dohs bayo2 hom g aa kluor cri dieorg2 blake. pas2 ato dieorg sapa kt kete reen, sy nge minoh g naek ats mula g tgk fmly aa. pas2 kiteorg blik aa eaa. pas2 jnji dohs nge minoh ari slase nihh ye nk mai tdo umahh! yeayy! org puahsan duk umoh heyy. HAHA! tq aa blake2 sbb mnceriekan mlm tirah neh! hahahha:pp

p/s; mangat tlis blog eyhh. bk kte dyahh "kite sek blog lenim kang!" HAHA ;DD
tamat sudaa. :)
ini gmba2 yg sempat di curi. kalu ade lg akan di UPLOAD later;D
nihh aa dyah lam TOILET;P

nihh tirah lam toilett, hahha! xD
nihh kt kdai kaen FIONA ;D
dyahh wt comey ye. ;p
ade gaye ptung tu dopp? :p
photo2 laen akan d UPLOAD kemudian chaaa! ;)
Thursday, November 20, 2008
my first blog! :)
wehehe. my fst blog! xtao nk tlis pe. justt SEJUKKKKK sgt! ujan xbrenti2. ngehe. td ptg ade reunion sklah rndahh. besh aa jmpe geng2 lme. tp sygg. xigt nk ajk nasha! rmai gak aa yg dtg. lme xjmpe dieorg. da len mke sosorg. tp expt 4 sklah ss aa.! yg tu da bring tgk mke. ngaha xD cg pon ade dtg. siap lanje2 agi. rugi xbwk cam. xley nk amek gmbo2. sygg sgt! :) thts all i wnt to write. i dnt hv idea anymre! :p

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