Monday, May 31, 2010

fool again. can't believe it.

bkpee? bkpe ye wt aku gini. kalo ye pn die nk wt gini, heboh satu FB buat ape? ngong la! (haih tlis mcm masalah besooow je. haha!)

hilang mood study, hilang mood ber-fb, hilang mood tdo. what should i do next? crying? oh no! never! you are not worth a tear. mu je pon. apelah sangat. i think termenung dpan buku dan laptop is better. yeaa, it makes me feel better though. so thats it. i will off9 fb, then shut down the laptop and lay down on my bed and pasang mp3 then termenung!

YES! thank you blogger. you always give me brilliant ideaaas! i should love you then in love with humans.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

the end

wah, hari sgt indah ketika 3 minggu ber-exam. haha. no homeworks, no tension, no STAYBACK! oyeh. cuti 3 minggu from belajar with cikgu, otak jadi ringan sikit. just kene igt blk y dah blaja. bknnye kene sumbat yg baru. so, alhamdulillah. hehe lpas ni cuti lagi 2 minggu. ergh best!

oh oh, btw takley tlis ayat 'hot' kat sini. nnti SYAZUENA mapuhhh! hahaha :P btw, die ade crush baru kat tusyen. but then, he's already taken syaz. sorry. don't be sad. haha :DD

haha, kat sini ade lagi hot-news! i already got a 'job'. as a part-timers. want a know? PART TIME LOVERS. hahahaha mcm klako. ade la sorg makhluk Allah baru je break ngn awek die. so, bagi mengisi mase lapang sementare mencari orang baruu, i've become a back up kot. kindda. hahahah :P berat nanang laaaa.

if YOU read this, puaaaas hati? i already wrote in my blog. haha :O oh oh, and ignore the part time thingy, i still loovee you u know. up to you as friend or bestfriend or wtv :P

wah, da takde idea utk berblogging :D semakin lame semakin lembab otak ku. hahaha. besok cuti(buat cuti sniri) nok g ane a? hahaha mcm boley g ane ane je, bknnye ade org ato :P duk sorg dumoh or pegi rumah epah. i prefer epah come to my place. baru syiokkk! :DD HAHAHA bongok la aku, nk pkir nde ni pon nk tlis kat blog. mcm saje nk tayang kat org. but peeps, bkn nk tayang o. BOSANG! tv pon makin lame makin bosan, fb pon, mys pon, ym pon! grrr =,=

dah dah leerr. makin lame ak tlis blog makin mengarut. readers mesti bosang ork? ho doh dkpe aa.

toddleeess (^,^)V

Tuesday, May 25, 2010



uih ayat, mcm ley wt novel. HAHA :P
harini, dok sorg lagi. lapoo haih, nok masok. dok reti! haha :p kan best ade kwn teman. haih, epah pon ptg2 nk tdooo. haha xmo a kaco ye.
td blk ngn epah. tiap2 ari blk nge epah. maluu maluu. walopon rumoh dkat. tp, arah berlainan. hee.
sian guh, kan best ade driver or bowok kete sniri. haha, harapan a! motosikal pon tkot nok bwk tgoh jalan. haha

hmm, knape la fizik sukar dipelajari. kan best kalo fizik mcm bm ke bi ke. aihs.
harini exam math, tgh tgh buat tetibe ade announcement, kate pindaan jadual wtv. pastu kate stat kul 9 padahal math abis kul 9.15. haih menggeletarr! abih ter'cuai' abih. ishkk! sedeyy. fz- takyah ckp la. gne konsep tawakal je la. huhu :p

rase mcm nk kluar je. tp ke mane? hmm, nk kuar tenganuuuuuu. abah g kl, kan best dok exam? boley ikot! aihs. tetibe rase rindu kt kwan yg dekat tetapi jauh di mate. duk dkat. tp jrang nampak! rinduu la. meh la dtg :p

okayy, saya da tak tahan lapo. g 7e la kjap beli roti atau pape y ptot. waah lupe! tade duet. da abih kat skul. haha tahan jela smpai kul 6 karang. boley diet trusss =,=

ergh, tatau lg abah blk bile. so, tiap tiap ari kene tumpang orang lagi. tak maluu mane pun. ishk.

p/s; ming, blog mu cute! especially kucing o. hehe :p

Thursday, May 20, 2010

mr. Y

err kepada Mr. Y saya disini merakamkan berbanyak banyak sorry :(

banyak gile salah aku kat mu. muke aku pon da tebal nk mntak sorry. sal haritu, aku tau mu bengang. aku banyak kali gile wt salah kat muu bkn aritu je. aku nk sorry. maybe mu pon da mls nk kwn ngn aku. aku paham.

aku sorry lagi skali. maybe aku sebot sorry byk kali pon, dok jejas perasaan bengang mu o. lagi sekali SORRY! dari dulu kite kenal, aku byk wt mu susoh. kalo mu nk marah aku kali ni, marah a. aku terime. lame mane pon mu nk marah, marah a. nanti bile mu da reda, mu cari la aku. aku nk mu tau muke aku da tebal nk tego mu :((

saya, Noorathirah bt Md. Sani, dengan sedihnya menyatakan saya terima ape saje keputusan awak :(

time to be goooood!

first thing bukak blogger, bce blog syazVuena (haha gabongan syaz, V dan Zuena.) ade plak "MRS COFFEE PRINCE". ni marahh ni! haha :p

pastu bace naa fheeemah pnye blog ade ayat ni

"mcm Bella ble Edward tggal an dye..
p na pham npe Edward tggl an Bella..
dye nk protect Bella..
n npe na nk tggal an mal?
sbb na tkut mal tggal an na.."

**hehehe, naaa best gile ayat ni.

hmm, i think i should do the same. tinggalkan die coz takut die tgglkan kite. :(
nnti jadi mcm dlm crite coffee prince lak, selfish! hmm, confius gile. tapi aku tau dan sedarr, ni utk sementara je. later, everything will be back as usual. he goes on his way, and i go mine. byebye la maknenye. but i really thankful to Allah coz give me this moment even for a while. a big GRIN on my face everyday i woke up and before going to bed. hehe. bahagiaaa :DD

i think i shouldn't think about this much. sooner or later, i will be hurt. as usual :( yeah once again. i hope he is Edward like Aina said. he'll be the one that leaving me coz doesn't want me hurt not i leave him for not ME being hurt aite? but its ok. just accept the fact that you'll never be mine, but i'm always yours though i said i'm not :P

diminggu yang mulia ini dimana my Mid-term exam tgh berlangsung, HARAM bagiku menyebut perkara-perkara begini. tapi apalah daya ku, ia berlaku pada tika dan saat ini. AIYO! help me. kalo aina takpe la, ia tak effect kan study die. but me? mcm haprakk! takde otak ka aku ni? dah la b*doh. lagi memb*dohkan diri. aihs.

dahdah la. todaaaaa readers :0

Monday, May 17, 2010

Putera Kopi

out of sudden, i've become speechless. just a smile on my face and screaming like crazy when i saw him standing in front of my class with the bright smile and some kind of 'nur' from his pretty little face, haha. so cute and he seems cold on the inside. waa, very jejaka idaman i tell youu! haha :p but there's a friend of mine, which is very bisingg! when we saw him, she will like 'tirahh! tirahh!' or 'epahh! epahh! die laluu!' OMG so embarrassing. i feel like wanna push her from the balcony to 5 Cekal. aiyoyo ama apa!

it's ok la. epah, nadia and I were sooo happy these days for one reason. haha :p aiyo mase nok prekse gini a ye buat. haha! and i feel like wanna scream about this but i just cant.


Saturday, May 1, 2010

sabar itu sebahagian daripada iman.

pernah tak korang rase mcm takde kesah dlm dunie?
semua tak bermakne bg korg. korg cume nk tido dan bile bangun semua kembali normal. pernah?

haaaaaaaaaaaaaa ni yg sy rase dlm mase 2 minggu y amat menyeksakan ini. waa, blk kemah demam paling teruk pernah dihadapi. grr =,= 3 hari tak g skolah wa ckp lu. dlm mc utk shari je. hahaha aiyo. skang batuk tak baik2 agi. selsema da elok sikit. ALHAMDULILLAH! uihh.

sy ade satu crite y agak sedih a. sy ade kwn, sy syg kawn2 sy. kwn sy sorg ni die tgh dlm masalah gile besar! ni first time kwn sy terlibat dlm hal mcm ni. but i'm really sorry for him. he being punished for another person's fault. mmg SHIT a org yg tuduh o. i really HATE him/her. dok au bende! tuduh paka baha rambang kali. dulu mmg aku da dgr cite HOT sal die. ta sangke die betol2 gitu. mmg SHIT a! GO TO HELL LA ORG TUE! aihs! dasar org tue tak sedar diri. kat rumah sy moody tak semene2 sbb hal ni. haih! sy bimbang kwn sy tu. gane la die. ato msg dok bls starang. nseb bek besfriend die my fren. dpt tau cite sbenor gane. mmg serius nk nangis mule2. haih tak sangke. sian, tak pasal2 ade rekod burok. mmg BONGOKK a org tue! bajet molek ngt. nok ajo kene bayo ge nok dgr siti noliza nyanyi. mahal cekik daroh mmg BODO a!

haih. geram, sedey, bimbang ade lake. kdg dok au g cite betol guane guane. ari isnin ni kne confirm betol2. kang dok pasal2 aku g supoh ke org dok besaloh. hehe ;p but ape ape pon, I STILL HATE YOU! haihs. tu je kot nk cerita, lepas geram bak kate org tue tue. hee.

to my beloved friend ; whatever happen, i will always be by your side. i know that you're not that kind of person. i know who you are, and the most important is only ALLAH know the truth. insyaAllah, the person that just accused you for no reason akan terima balasannye. insyaAllah. harap bersabar, ni dugaan daripada-Nya utk kau. and once again, i will back you up and kite tegakkan kebenaran sesame ok?