I want to live with all of my memories,even if they're sad memories. I believe that if I stay strong, someday I'll overcome the pain, and then I'll be glad that I have those memories. I believe that there are no memories that are okay to forget.
Saturday, October 22, 2011
Friday, October 21, 2011
before i forgot.
oh yeah.
one more.
i hate waiting.
you make me wait for you for hours.
until i asleep.
and i awake.
there's nothing from you.
if you dont wanna talk.
i can accept that.
than just have to wait.
wheater you calling or not.
and fyi,
i cried.
yeah, sometimes when i said ignore me dont talk to me i hate you and stuff, it just mean that i'll wait for you to change.
absence makes the heart grow fonder.
when you started ignore me,
i dont know what the best for me to react
wheater to stay away, or you wait for me to approach you first.
but then i think,
its better when we're away from each other.
now we'll have the reason to miss.
but instead of making my heart grow fonder,
you hurt me.
with your words.
yeah, your intention is to make jokes.
but the jokes you make
are so hurtful --'
how can you say that?
imma girl.
think like a girl.
i dont get your stupid jokes yet.
what it has to do with us anyway?
for this time.
stop talking to me first.
when im done with my 'sulking-term'
i'll talk to you.
until then,
let the facebook status being our connection.
i'll tell you the progress.
Monday, October 17, 2011
i miss encikmatebesar :O
dga lagu nihh .. terigt dkt kwn aku kt UiTM Seri Iskandar :O
die suke lagu nii.
sbb die peminat setia Mia Sara.

haa this is Mia Sara..
kiut, mmg kiut. rase mcm nk cubit2 gigitt2.
hahah ~
back to song up there ..
kwn aku ni ..
aku bg name dia, hmm .. encikmatebesar.
haa encikmatebesar ni, die penah nyanyi lagu ni dlu.
dpan aku, mase tgh blaja taking-off
*fyi : die ni suke nyanyi and fav song kiteorg kdg2 same.. die ibarat penyambung lirik kuu .. HAHAH
the best thing is ..
ni half of the lyrics
waktu pagi kau sinari hidup ini
bangun papa bangun mami
kau sebut di telinga kami
satu hari kau kan pergi
waktu pagi kau sinari hidup ini
bangun papa bangun mami
kau sebut di telinga kami
satu hari kau kan pergi
and he was singing like this ..
waktu pagi kau sinari hidup ini
gosok gigi..
waktu pagi kau sinari hidup ini
gosok gigi..
smpai situ je die nyanyi --'
sbb smpai situ je die igt xDDD
k i admit it ..
i kinda miss him.
miss the whole class more precisely :'((((((
nta la.
wish we all still be in one class for the next sem.
class ni tkde la best mane, but best for me :)))
sbb my ehem3 satu klas.
fuhhhh ~ lepas rinduu :)
geram :'(((
org yg paling tidak disukai ialah selfish-er.
yg self centred.
yg hanya memikirkan dirinya sahaja.
selfish - Caring supremely or unduly for one's self; regarding one's own comfort, advantage, etc., in disregard, or at the expense, of those of others. "They judge of things according to their own private appetites and selfish passions." Cudworth. "In that throng of selfish hearts untrue."Keble.
benciiii nye selfish nii. kalau ye pun nk 'utamakan' diri sniri tu, tkley ke tolak ansur sikit?
kiteorg pn manusia jugak.
bley je tolak ansur. *which mean TAK selfish --'
ok let say ..
you ade group ..
dgn group ni, semua boleh.
tapi bile ade org lain 'join' atau lebih tepat tumpang dkat group ni
korg2 buat acuh tak acuh.
dieorg tu TETAMU korg.
tapi sebab kan group korg tu korg lebih rapat,
so tetamu korg ni, korg tak layan die sebetulnya.
ye lah. group yg korg dh stay lame ni, mesti la dahulukan kan?
so, tetamu tu korg buat die mcm tu.
sgt selfish tau tak?
nak2 yg paling tue dlm group tu.
aku pun ade group mcm korg lah.
tapi tak la se selfish kamu kamu dan kamu ..
kalau diberikan pilihan,
tetamu korg tu pon tanak jadi tetamu korg.
tu terpakse je taw!
Sunday, October 16, 2011
respect your mother, please.
oh hell yeah!
lupe nk tulis.
my new hobii ..
alone in my room.
harini dpt habiskan 3 lagu :p
last night super bass .. by nicky minaj.
pergh. haha
mmg lega dpt rap lagu tuu.
addicted dahh!
i think its better to sing alone in our room
daripada melalak kt k-box
sorry to say.
mcm tk sesuai pompuan pkai tudung litup2 pegi tmpat2 mcm tu.
mcm _____ skit :p *fill in the blank
ok fine,
munafik gile kau ni tira -_-'
mcm la die tk pernah pegi.
ok sini aku nk confess,
aku pernah pegi k-box..
dlu melalak mcm hapee.
skang da insaf skit maybe -_-
sbb segan da skit nk nyanyii ..
nta la.
tetibe dpt hidayah kot.
mok mara pergi tmpat2 mcm tu.
haih tiraaa .. anak derhaka kau nihh >.<
boys =.='
haa i grown up as my brother's bestfriend.
benci btol bile org laki kutuk2 pompuan.
bkn nk kate abg aku ni hotstuff, tapi die dikelilingi oleh org2 pompuan yg mcm 'admire' die.
ergh -.- *bencinye ayat ats nih
so die mcm..
typical of guy yg kutuk pompuan2 gedik2 yg try nk tackle die.
so ak sbg pompuan mmg bnci laa.
alah org kate kt kaum kite sape tk marah kan?
bcoz sometimes aku pon act like that infront of my crush
*duhhhhh ~ almost ALL pompuan cmtu.
tpi nta la. tk semua kot.
so, bile ade pompuan lain mcm gile2 kn laki tu,
mcm hoping too much,
i imagine that guy was my brother.
so i would think tht he think just the way my brother was.
so ....
mcm sakit ati pn ade.
not towards the girls..
towards the men's thought about us.
so for me..
kalau laki tu nak, die ckp.
kalau tak, mmg die tanak kt kite.
but i really respect la girls yg berani confess.
*ehem3.. my idol da skrg org tu :p
sbb if it was me .. smpai kiamat la mmg tak =.='
unless he says he likes me .. hikhikhikhik ^.^
ade laa seseorg yg mmg aku respect gile,
die brani confess dkt crush die..
fulamaakk .. hehee.
and the best thing is,
'the crush' tu mcm say 'i anggap you kawan je'
and she was SO FREAKIN' HAPPYYY !
pelikk kan? =.=
siap kate 'lega dpat luahkan'
and i was like 'whatttttaaaa?'
hahahaa ye lah.
kalau aku crush yg aku confess tk trime, terjun laut lahh i nihh :p
but mmg really impress la.
ni first time org yg aku kenal.
which rapat gile ngn aku,
bley bwt something yg mcm tu.
next time,
bile aku ade crush lain ..
i need this person by my side if i need to confessssss my lovee
*dimane aku rase tkkan terjadii =.=
hahaha :)))))
thats all.
besok new post!
hihi confirm ade :DD
loveyoureaders ..
muahmuah ,
tyra ^.^
whoaaaaaaa :DD
my birthdayy has past >.<
ni first birthday yg tiada hadiah walaupun satu.
nk wt cmne. da tuaaa :'((((
tunggu t aku kawen nk mintak adiah byk2!!!! >.<
skrg ni nta la.
im addicted to fesbuuuk.
hahaa *mcm dlu tak xD
ok skang makin terok ...
tadi tgk cite 'the social network' *kfine taw ni crite lame.
bru tgk, sbb bru premier kt HBO :)
dok pahaaam!
hahahaa nta la.
dlu da tgk kjap kt lappy, then mcm boring =.='
tadi tgk, ok la.
faham mase ending je.
hehee enjoy tgk Mark Zunkerberg tulis blog.
tu mlm ni igt nk merapu pnjang2 dkt tirahisabloggernow.blogspot.com
kih3 :)
nak crite pnjang lagi. tp tk sesuai utk post ni..
t aku post lagi 1 kayhhh !! :DD
toodles :)
Thursday, October 13, 2011
this one for you and me
aku lebey2 kan?
aku mmg suke over.
aku over2 kt sini.. die kt sane abih try nk sorok.
aku heboh satu tganu, die kt sane kalau boley nme aku pn tknak tgk >.<
sdeyh kan?
laugh is the best medicine kan?
what else to do.
laugh laugh laugh like crazy.
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
who am i kidding?
i dont know what i feel :O
i can never understand boys.
one day like this and the next day totally opposite =.='
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