Monday, January 26, 2009

total eclipse of the heart. HAHA

grhane matahriii. lawo, tp mnyakitkan mate. dlm kete otw blk umah, tetibe trigt ade grhane today. try tgk tp sakt mte. then amek la sun glas my ddy. hehhe. tgk tgk, nmpak mcm bulan sabit kt mtahri. then ade org predict thun nih mybe 2 kali eclipse. julai kalo xsilapp. my chinese fren said, taon ni mybe x ongg sbb ade eclipse. hehhe. try amek pic then xnmpk pape. td sy bke mys, tejumpe la pic nihh. lawaa laa.

**sorry kpd tuan empunye pic sbb sy x mntkk ;)

1 comment:

Yoyoh said...

Ehh mcm gambo saye je ;p