Tuesday, April 10, 2012

aku sedarlah diri aku mcm mane :)

someone used to tell me, "cube lah cari boyfriend, kalau tk dapat tu sedar lah diri tu macam mane". i don't really remember the exact sentence tapi maksud die mcm tu lah. oh tkkan ku lupe ayat tu :)

haha ntah tetibe harini dapat hidayah nk teringat pasal die. rindu kot. haha :p i don't really care how you wanna label me, or think about me. if there someone out there really loves/likes for who i am, i don't give a damn what you say :) i have my family who loves me, mother father sissy brother and not to forget my BESTfriend. don't care neither you're my boyfriend, my classmate or even my roomate. as long as someone, even only one person on earth willingly, happily, gladly that i was in their lives, words can't describe how happy i am.

hahahahah :D (ok sy ade penyakit di mana, sy akan gelak bile bace ape yg tulis balik) mwahah xD gile? oh tidak, saya masih waras Alhamdulillah :D hehehee

ok hilang idea :D haha
toodles ^_^


Urusan Hati. Urusan Illahi. said...

damn damn damn! i wish you were here here here. okbai! haha ;p

noorathirah said...

whatta? bru balik tnjung rambutan lettew :p