Monday, May 17, 2010

Putera Kopi

out of sudden, i've become speechless. just a smile on my face and screaming like crazy when i saw him standing in front of my class with the bright smile and some kind of 'nur' from his pretty little face, haha. so cute and he seems cold on the inside. waa, very jejaka idaman i tell youu! haha :p but there's a friend of mine, which is very bisingg! when we saw him, she will like 'tirahh! tirahh!' or 'epahh! epahh! die laluu!' OMG so embarrassing. i feel like wanna push her from the balcony to 5 Cekal. aiyoyo ama apa!

it's ok la. epah, nadia and I were sooo happy these days for one reason. haha :p aiyo mase nok prekse gini a ye buat. haha! and i feel like wanna scream about this but i just cant.



zHi|MiNg said...

omg omg omg.

Ayna Faheemah said...

i was not informed about putera kopi ne..since when? who?

noorathirah said...

hahaha putera kopi ni, erra punye kucing yg kelas 5murni! hahahahaha :P cute gilaa. hahaha