Saturday, January 29, 2011

okey, now you make me jealous!

okeyy, the tittle say it all.
damn i'm so jealous right now! erghhhhhhh and i don't understand why. :'(
i'm so sad and so mad at them right now.
kenapaaa? kenapaaa? knpe ini harus terjadi! it not supposed to be like this :/
haih :(

ahhhhhhhhhh bio lerr, mybe ni bkn utk akuu kot :(
hmmmmmph, nk dgr cite die tak ? (ok ok bia korg tanak pon, sy still nk cite)

cite die mcm ni ye tuan tuan dan puanpuan.
ade sorg pompuan nih, kire mcm my girlfriend gitu la. nme die estelle (bkn name sebenar)
dan ade sorg laki nih, yg ni friends je. nme die bobbie (bkn name sebenar)

ok ok, aritu kami keluarrr bersame same bertige. tipu la bertige, ramai gk. tp kami dduk bertige. then, si bobbie nih he treat me well :) then si estelle ngn bobbie nih, tak ckp pon. even si bobbie tak pndang pon kat estelle ni. then, lpas tuuuuuuuu si bobbie ni buat hal. send me messages dgn sbot name2 estelle. bkn nye sy suke kt bobbie, tapi ..nta mcm jeles gile kot!

mmg sy xley kalo ade lakilaki yg msg sy just to talk abt another girl. girlss out there! do you know how it feels? grrr -.-

mmg jeles! mmg sy ni kuat cemburu kot -.- tp biorr leer. dh mmg kite xde jdoh kot. kihkih

xpe lahhh. let's forget abt this and lets eat! hahah when we eat, everything will be so niceeee!
oh oh mybe i'm superb hungry. tht's y i'm acting like this.

out to eat now guys. toodles

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