Saturday, February 12, 2011

dear Bestfriend.

hukhikhukhik. i cannot tell how happy i am today :D
everything goes perfectly ! wah wah bahagiaa sebentar.
but the world will turns around just in time.
i know :'(

em emm. deep in my heart, i am missing one of my bestfriend.
and i'm thinking writting this while i'm taking my-one-hour bath just now.
seriously i told you ! i was in the bathroom for the whole one hour. kihkih
now i wonder what am i even doing in there for soo longg !
thnx for my bloody over sensitive skin ! so i need my one-hour bath.

ok ok. this is for my BestFriend

dear Bestfriend , sy rindu awk gile :'(
sy tau kite tak mcm dulu
tadi sy stalk facebook page awk tadi. *ye sy stalker :)
byk sy miss sal awk :(
sy tak tau pape sal awk
sy rase sedih :(

dear Bestfriend , sy tak tau sape crush awk :'(
dulu kite takde secret kan?
skang awk ade BF pon sy xtau :(
sy pnye crush pon awk xtau kan?
em em
sy rase sedih :(

dear Bestfriend , sy rase sy da tanak jd BFF awk dh :'(
awk tak tnye sy sal pape.
bile sy tanye awk, awk jwb cam xikhlas.
sy xmo da g reunion !
sy malu nk jmpe awk
sy rase sedih :(

dear Bestfriend, if you read this. please don't be mad. i just sad that we cnnot be like before :( if i can turn time, i would! but i can't. sory dear Bestfriend. i will always love and missing you. that's my promise till the day i stop breathing :'(

ILOVEYOU. i wish you do too :/