Sunday, April 15, 2012

the story of a phone charger and i

pada suatu hari, saya nk main main phone..
skalii *klekk klekk* bunyi menandakan bateri phone low.
lantas sy mencocok kan charger yg telah melekat pada dinding pada phone tersebut.
sambil itu, sy sedang ber tweet sakan.
pada masa itu, waktu telah menandakan masa utk tidur telah tibaa..
sy pun terigt pada phone yg dicharge tu..
saya pun terfikir .. "ok lepas bateri full nk tidoo !" *muke semangat*

setelah sekian lama..
sy check phone.
eihhhh ! ape kene nih. bateri flat ke ape,
ke charger rosak? haduiiii ..
lalu sy mengintai pada plug yg telah terpasang.
rupa rupanya saya tdk menekan button "on"
lalu sy kecewa. *bang heads on the wall*
bang bang bang.

sekian, terima kasih *clap clap clap*

Thursday, April 12, 2012

thank you.

it is good to know that you still care. awww you nice. with that unmentioned tweets :) haha !
ok taktau lah tweet tu utk sape, but i'm pretty sure thats for me and him. mweheh :)

caring jugakk. why you don't say it to me. kenape nk unmentioned bagai? hahah

thanks kawan, you're the best. btw, i miss u. i miss us. i miss our ganggg ! :'(

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

i had an ohsem year with you :)

bace blog org lain, sonok pulak die cite sal Mr.Right die. hihi :) terbukak pulak pintu hati aku nk cite sal Mr.Unknown :D who knows dah tue2 nnti i want a flashback with my hubbyy mse mule mule bercinta. kehkeh :p ok gedik ==' haha why Mr.Unknown? ntaah die yg bg name sniri kt die :p

we are in the same class in UiTM :) die masuk agak lambat. i can't recall why. tapi kiteorg same intake :D first first die mcm kerek gile. i mean like really KEREK --' org lain (not me) tegur die, die mcm ckp berlaagak gile :O aku tgk je la dari jauh dalam hati kutuk kutuk, never thought he would be so much important to me today :')

one fine day (eceyh gaye lisa surihani gitu) hihi. in eco's class, i was sitting infront and one empty seat besides me on the right and Liyana sitting on my left side. biase lah lelaki, semua nk penuhkan saf belakang :p dah tggal satu seat je kat sbelah aku nih. and si dia tanya "boley duduk tk kat sini? takot nanti ade org marah" haha i remember this ayat clearly. Mr.Unknown might not remember this, but i still do :) and he was like talking non-stop during the class ==' hahah (sorry :/ i ngumpat pasal you ngn Liyana) and then he ask for my Facebook account. and Liyana's too. he tried to get Liyana's facebook, tu yg gune aku sebagai medium perantaraan ==' seriusly? do u really need to tell me all this? haha who cares, you're mine now. kan? :p

and the next class, Land Survey punye class, he was sitting behind he. still, talking non-stop ==' not with me dengan kawan die :O then he said " hey Terengganu, bagi nombor kau" *baling notebook kecik* aku pon kembang gak la die mintak. wee, he the first guy mintak. and probably the last ==' ngehee aku tk hot org nk ngorat pon. kehkeh :p (i'm not saying he ngorat me, no no no, mase tu lgsg tk fikir psal tu)

then malam tu die msg, ckp mengarot ngarot. i was like "ape la budak nii" *sambil senyum sorg2*. pastu tk selalu la kiteorg msg. then dpt tau kiteorg 1 group utk presentation. pastu pergi DM (dewan makan) buat kerja lah sgt. ajak ramai, smpai2 kiteorg berdua je haduii. bukan sekali, 2 kali gak. last last kiteorg decide nk pergi berdue je. ihik ^_^ mase tu lah, saat saat indah terjalin. for me la, taktau la ape perasaan die :) one day, kiteorg ckp pasal kawin. die pun ckp "aku pun tktau kenapa aku ckp pasal kawin ngn kau". haha pastu he said, he likes my smile. die kate mcm ikhlas. HEY, i like your's too. seriusly, i told Abidah (my roomate) about it. haha ok gatal :p

then ade induction day utk budak2 QS main main mate gak la ngn die. hihi, die comel jugak *dalam hati* ade satu malam tu, kiteorg pergi DM bertige, last last berdue je tinggal ==' ckp mcm mcm yg boley buat aku senyum utk 3 hari 3 malam :D haha lps balik tu die msg .

Mr.Unknown : oit
Me : yes.

*dah blablablabla tk igt ape lagi ckp* tibe-tibe..

Mr.Unknown : weyh, aku rase aku suke kau. sori

aku dah lompat lompat call Aina. AHAHAHAHA mintak pendapat die. aku rase mcm TERLALU awal kot. 2minggu ke seminggu je dari insiden kelas eco tu. die kenal aku pun tk, boley terus mintak mcm tu. hahahaha then aku tk igt blas ape :p beberapa hari lepas tu, kiteorg declare :)

and pergi mane mane berdua. dh la satu kelas kan. mmg tk berkembang la aku ni ==' tapi untung gak. tiap tiap kelas boley intai die, boley main main mate, boley tenung die lame lame, skodeng. untung gak ade Mr.Unknown kat universiti ni :) tu yg tk dapat dekan utk first sem nih >.< tkley fokus, die kacau. hihi tapi i like :DDD

mase cuti seems terlalu lame lah. die Selangor, aku Terengganu. bagaikan London dan Thailand. mwahahah xDDD die ade jugak dtg sini, aku pun ade gak dtg sane :) rase sgt happy bile die hantar naik bas balik Terengganu haritu, die kt luar aku intai dari tingkap bas. mcm dalam cite korea :p yg lainnye, tingkap aku tkley bukak ==' just senyum2 je lah :D hey i miss that pretty smile.

he give me a lot of things. not material thing, but a feeling i never felt, an experience of a lifetime, the thought i never think of and most of all, he give me love and says never gonna let me go. i believe you :)

i love you sayang, Happy Becoming of one ohhsem Year ! :)
kasi mwah sikit. MWAAAAAAH !!

*sorry for the bahasa rojak. tau lah die tk suke bace bahasa rojak >.< but hey, even Hlovate used it, banyak je org bace books die. haha :D sorry for no pictures :'( kiteorg mmg tk banyak amek gambar. ntah la, aku tk lawa sgt kalau nk bergambar ngn aku. hihi ^_^ who cares, in my memory there are more than 1000s pictures of us :)

aku sedarlah diri aku mcm mane :)

someone used to tell me, "cube lah cari boyfriend, kalau tk dapat tu sedar lah diri tu macam mane". i don't really remember the exact sentence tapi maksud die mcm tu lah. oh tkkan ku lupe ayat tu :)

haha ntah tetibe harini dapat hidayah nk teringat pasal die. rindu kot. haha :p i don't really care how you wanna label me, or think about me. if there someone out there really loves/likes for who i am, i don't give a damn what you say :) i have my family who loves me, mother father sissy brother and not to forget my BESTfriend. don't care neither you're my boyfriend, my classmate or even my roomate. as long as someone, even only one person on earth willingly, happily, gladly that i was in their lives, words can't describe how happy i am.

hahahahah :D (ok sy ade penyakit di mana, sy akan gelak bile bace ape yg tulis balik) mwahah xD gile? oh tidak, saya masih waras Alhamdulillah :D hehehee

ok hilang idea :D haha
toodles ^_^

my blog needs an appreciation :)

blog is like a diary. but electronic diary, where a whole wide world could read it. utk org org yg mcm saya taktau malu boley la buat kan. hehe ^_^ yg terlalu secretive tu, hey man open up. :) i would like to hear your stories. 

but for me, blog is a place to express your feeling. mweheh if i can't tell a person how i feel, i blogged it. but then i ended up telling the world. tanpa pengetahuan dia. hahah it sokey. ini cara saya, ini saya sebenarnya. the thing is, my blog is not attractive or everywhere clickable atau bahase melayu nye "canggih" like your's. just a simple and out-dated layout. whew

i did try to change the layout once, to make it more up-to-date. but hey, aku bute IT ok :O nak mintak tunjuk ajar org lain, maluu. sebab tu ade pepatah "malu bertanya sesat jalan". aku pernah tanye org, tapi kene ignore. TRAUMA ! >.< haha

then i decided that, this will do. bialah tak attractive pon. me not Hanis Zalikha or Maria Elena or Aina Nadiah or Syazwina Alhadad. ekekekekke :p ok those another two people are my bestfriend (because i don't know who else famous bloggers) :P

for me, blog banyak membantu. haha dalam me-release-kan tensyen. pada masa yg sama, improve my vocab dan tatabahasa dan menaik tarafkan knowledge peribahasa saya. haa mcm yg kat atas tuu tuu. hihi :p 

pernah suatu ketike dulu (homaigok!! what happen? toooooo casual)HAHAHA ok tuka ayat .. dulu, blog ni pernah jadi kontroversi. sbb i really thought that the links sudah ditutup rapi. tkde org tau. hahah so then i realize, homai, ade jugak org bace blog aku kan? blog merepek, merapu meraban, yang langsung tk mencerminkan diri ni sbg muslimah/perempuan sejati. mwahah (ok tau malu >.< tapi berubah tk jugak :O)

ahahhah ntah i just need attention kot. heww tak ckup kasih syg nmpknye :p dan akhirnya saya dibahan atas ape yg sy tulis. memakan diri sniri, what you give you'll get back. (tgk ! another peribahasa) haha my enthusiasm in writting terserlah bile buat blog nih. but of course, story of my life je. not others :) 

that is my opinion about blogging. how about you, blogger? :) 

what the heck is love?

when a boy loves a women, or should i say, when a boy loves a girl .. what did he do?
i really wonder how. cause i will never understand boys/men. never..

when ignore her in social networks, is that how he shows he really in to her? when he treated another girl more than her? is that the way? so i will never understand them. because my way is wayyyyy different than they are.

bile die reply prempuan lain when you clearly interact with them, sakit tau tk? haaaaa just a small thing, aku drag jadi mcm masalah international. oh, this is how i roll. deal with it ok? not just me. any other girl will do. oh believe me. im a girl..

ok done :D

Monday, January 23, 2012


hehe seronok bace blog aina pasal kawin.
nmpak tittle kawen je trus click.
igt tak janji kite? #ehem3 :p

err harini balik kolej :'(
boley pulaaaaak tayar pecah dkat PI *pusat islam.
abang ak yg pandai sgt tuu pegi langgar divider jalan.
*mcm mane boley tajam sgt divider tu =='
PECAH. bayangkan PECAH kot. kalau bocor tkpe jgakk =='
smpai berpeluhpeluh dieorg..
tau la panas SI ni mcm mane =='

dieorg je? kenape tk aku?
ehem3, aku dduk bawah bumbung laa.
'pompuan'. mane bley buat keje lasakk.
tambahan ak pakai bju BARU BELI.
70% sale. ihiiikkkkk ^.^

kenape baju baruu?
sbb mase mak aku dtg,
ak packing baju 2helai saje..

kenape 2helai?
ehem bkn target i ye nk beli baju baruu :p
i igt dieorg dtg 2hari je sbtu ahad.
so baju jalan 2helai. sluar tido sehelai.
baju tidor tk bawaak.
so singgah tesco beli2 ape yg ptot..
wakaka :D
eh yg 70% tu bukan tesco okayyy! PDI tau. HAHA :p

balik balik sini je da buntu nk buat apoo.
nseb baik laaaah ade classmate yg mengingatkan pasal TEST and SKETCHING.
kalau tk mmg tk tersentuh la.
mood CUTI la katekan :p

dh lerr.
banyak baju perlu dibasuhhh.
*kalau blogging je ckp pasal baju. aduyai!

hikhik toodles reader :)
mwahhx !

p/s: i'm in a goodmood today :D thankstoyou HoneyBEE.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

spill the beans :)

why i'm not posting anymore?

here a few answers :)

1. line internet veri the lembabi :D
2. no idea
3. tkde perasaan
4. malas
5. i've lost my enthusiasm in blogging.
6. lotsssssssss of assignment
7. i miss him :'(

eh, yg last tade kene mengene. saje je nk btaw. kihkih
yg ats pn, bia la korg tk tny.
still nak btawww :D

ok ni nk post satu gambar ... hihi

ok, introducing u, one and onlyy

kbai =='

Friday, January 6, 2012


tak payah nk sedih sedih la tirah.
org tu tk pandang pon.
hape lah.
sikit sikit sedih.
mcm remaja yg hormon tk stabil.
you are 19 (technically. but fact you're still 18 :D)
dah masuk adultery dah.
lagi 2taun boley mengundi. hahaa
oh maybe hormon mmg tk stabil kot.
mende kecik nk besar2 kan.
pdahal phak belah sane rilek je.
mcm biase lah.
hahahaha gedik gilerrrrr.

tadi dh ok.
then chatting ngn aina ndiahnye pasal la.
berair rair mate ni haa.
tk dapek den nk nolong.

dear aina,
i'm fine.
thanks for everything :)
paham2 la tirah mmg suke emo. :p
budak tu ok je laa :D
banyak agi mende lain kene fikir.
tkley mcm part1 dulu dh.
skrg masing masing jadi matang !
now i wish i were you :'(
no worries.
blajaa manjang. rajin sgt --'
friends with everybody.
tirah try fokus on studies.
tapi akhirnye ended up with food =='

hahha tirah mmg dok ah cite ni dpan aina.
brair mate kang. tirah gk malu :p

btw tadi die msg :)
he also called :D

ni ckp pada semua :
have you feel how its like to hold your phone for the whole day, checking your inbox for like every minutes? waiting for a call even for a one-minute-talk. now i know how it feels.

lastlast there's a call from the person you waiting for. but not for you. nk ckp ngn org lain. oh my, sakit jugak rase die :)

i really hope die tk bace ni.
then he will know how pathetic i am --'
uih malu la.

ahaha aina. thanks laaa ! iloveyou. i cant express with words. take this. mwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh !!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

i hope three of you read it :(

this is for :

hey you,
i miss your 3am call.
i miss our 3hours talk.
i miss your holding hands.
i miss your caringness.
i miss our old self.
i miss you enthusiasm of us.
what's get into you ? :(

another you,
i miss our non-stop msg-ing.
i miss to hear my custom ringtone for you.
i miss your caringness.
i miss your car.
i miss you.
i miss us.
why things change? :(

and the last you,
i miss you so much.
i miss our gosipping.
i miss your laugh.
i miss our trip to kL
i miss jogs and badmintons.
i miss hometown and you.
why cant we be together? :(

when we get one things, i suppose we should let go the other.
why cant we get it all?
i want us.
me and you.
me and him.
me and her.
happily ever after.


harini basuh baju yang dua minggu tk basuh.
separuh masuk mesin,
separuh basuh tangan.
bayang kan banyak mane tu =='

penat la.
tangan kering,
tk mandi lagi.


p/s: nak meluahkan perasaan je. KBAI !