but for me, blog is a place to express your feeling. mweheh if i can't tell a person how i feel, i blogged it. but then i ended up telling the world. tanpa pengetahuan dia. hahah it sokey. ini cara saya, ini saya sebenarnya. the thing is, my blog is not attractive or everywhere clickable atau bahase melayu nye "canggih" like your's. just a simple and out-dated layout. whew
i did try to change the layout once, to make it more up-to-date. but hey, aku bute IT ok :O nak mintak tunjuk ajar org lain, maluu. sebab tu ade pepatah "malu bertanya sesat jalan". aku pernah tanye org, tapi kene ignore. TRAUMA ! >.< haha
then i decided that, this will do. bialah tak attractive pon. me not Hanis Zalikha or Maria Elena or Aina Nadiah or Syazwina Alhadad. ekekekekke :p ok those another two people are my bestfriend (because i don't know who else famous bloggers) :P
for me, blog banyak membantu. haha dalam me-release-kan tensyen. pada masa yg sama, improve my vocab dan tatabahasa dan menaik tarafkan knowledge peribahasa saya. haa mcm yg kat atas tuu tuu. hihi :p
pernah suatu ketike dulu (homaigok!! what happen? toooooo casual)HAHAHA ok tuka ayat .. dulu, blog ni pernah jadi kontroversi. sbb i really thought that the links sudah ditutup rapi. tkde org tau. hahah so then i realize, homai, ade jugak org bace blog aku kan? blog merepek, merapu meraban, yang langsung tk mencerminkan diri ni sbg muslimah/perempuan sejati. mwahah (ok tau malu >.< tapi berubah tk jugak :O)
ahahhah ntah i just need attention kot. heww tak ckup kasih syg nmpknye :p dan akhirnya saya dibahan atas ape yg sy tulis. memakan diri sniri, what you give you'll get back. (tgk ! another peribahasa) haha my enthusiasm in writting terserlah bile buat blog nih. but of course, story of my life je. not others :)
that is my opinion about blogging. how about you, blogger? :)
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