Saturday, February 26, 2011

i really lovee rock and roll ! :)

latest news : siku saket :( tepleoott (terseliuh) mse nk bgun. hwaaa T.T mule2 ok dahh. then pegi urut2 skit, mkin denyutt wa ckp luu. grr ==''

emm ok. semalam pegi maidingg. hehe. sy pegangg la my mom's new handbag. kiut gile kot. kang biase org tue pkai hbag pendek kan? ni ade double tali, tali pnjg pon adee. i loikke ! hehehee
thenn pegangg laa.

skaliiii, 'mok ilaaaaang'. hdbag die ad ngn sy pulokk. soh2 hnphone pon skalii -.-

hee dkat 30 mnit gok a ilangg. hua3
lpas jumpe tuu ape lagii
potpetpotpet -.-
'gi amek hdbag mok wt ndee? tgk mok kalu ilang mmg ssoh a nok jupe, ramai org gini lagiii'

aku hanyaa mampu tersengihh. wat kiutt skit, dok a kne marohh ane :p

heee -.-

harini hari paling sedapp dalam dunia.
semalam tdo pukul 12++
then pagi bgun pukul 7++
pastu kuar jalan2
kul 10++ tido balik.
bgun pkul 3++
tak lame mane pon tido.
fening2 lalaaat :p

err kalo tulis blog, confirm ade sal tido kan?
ape nak jadii ni tirahh ! wake up wake up !
stoppp tido alreadyy -.-
siyes takde keje buat cuti nih.

blaja masak dh.
kemas rumah cuci baju
blaja kete.
enjoyy berfoyee foyee
what else?
i'm bored alreadyy !
come onnn. when result will be announced ?
puhh-leaseee !

eventho i loveeeee holiday-ing, but when it will be over?
universityy ! comee comee. i'm looking fowrdd to meet youu :)

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